We want more of you to have experience performing, which will really help you grow! Also, we want to develop our next great house teams! Play with other dedicated and talented improvisers and enjoy regular shows.
About the team(s): one or more teams will be formed. You will be led by one of our awesome coaches. Teams will have up to 8 people (ideally 5-7). You will rehearse weekly and have shows AT LEAST every other week starting in November, but we will schedule you for shows sooner if sport open in the schedule – which is the goal.
Members will pay $10 per week for coaching and space. (please note that this will not substitute for class learning – this is a very different experience.) If you have completed Level 3 or above, or have finished an entire program at another longform improv school (UCB, IO, etc.) you are eligible to audition.
To request a spot in the auditions please email with “audition request” in subject line and your full name, phone number, and improv experience in body of email. Deadline to submit is 8/21. Auditions are 8/30 at 11am.