At Finest City Improv, our community of students and performers is our highest priority. Our primary focus is creating a “return-worthy” experience where everyone is a member of our fun, creative, and inclusive community. At FCI everyone is friendly and welcoming. There’s no place for big egos here.
Amir R., graduate and Clubhouse member
FCI has become more than a class, theatre, or an institution for me. This little community is part of me now, part of my life, and my family. It makes my life better and recharges my life battery every weekend.

Improv is the most fun when there is a great balance between time in the classroom learning, time on stage performing, and time outside the theater having fun with friends. Our instructors have been trained to ensure everyone is included and valued. We offer a work-study program for students interested in learning stage mangement, box office management, or other theater skills while earning credits towards classes.
Jason C.
Shows, workshops, classes and friends. You will find them all at Finest City Improv. New to San Diego with no friends? Take a class and you will instantly have a new group of friends.

We invite students to get on stage before they even finish Level 1 and continue to give opportunities to keep getting on stage with class shows, jams, Greenhorn shows, Bingo shows, graduate programs, and formation of indie teams. In addition to bonding with your class and/or teammates you can join us for regular community events like mixers at local breweries, beach bonfires, kick-ball and basketball leagues, and Pride events.
Join our Facebook group to hear about or share events!

Each term we hear from dozens of happy students about how improv has helped them in all aspects of their life and brought them more joy. Check out our monthly student spotlights, short video interviews where we introduce some of our most inspiring students.

Graduates are students that have successfully completed all 6 core improv classes. Many have gone on to join our Clubhouse, House, or Pro League teams.
Open to see the list of over 300 graduates!
*current house team member
- Aaron Casarrubias
- Abi Castro
- Adam Anderson
- Adam Bishop
- Adam Lane
- Aditya Rudra
- Ahuva Adler
- Aidan Carroll
- AJ Norausky
- Alara Chilton
- Alden Rothe
- Alex Cantatore*
- Alex DiMauro
- Alex Fitzpatrick
- Alex Johnson
- Alex Navarro
- Alex Nu
- Alexandra Berger
- Alissa Walters
- Allie Kiekhofer
- Allison Hoskins
- Allison Taylor
- Allyson Brenner
- Amanda Altieri
- Amanda Kendall*
- Amanda Lawrence
- Amanda Mulder
- Amber Largent*
- Amber Liggon
- Ameri Carl
- Amir Razeghi*
- Amy Nicole*
- Amy Pagano
- Amy Silvestro
- Andi Docktor
- Andre King
- Andrew Davis
- Andrew Zhao
- Andy Grubb
- Andy Robinson
- Andy Taylor
- Andrew Egyud
- Anelia Glebocki
- Angela Hearne
- Angellyne DePerio*
- Anika Breza
- Anita Gebbie
- Anna Lin
- Anna Strahl*
- Anthony Padron
- Antonio Chavez
- Anushree Singh*
- Arbora Resulaj
- Ari Gaffen
- Ari Brin
- Ariel Weingarten
- Arielle Schecter
- Arto Jaakola
- Asaf Presente
- Athena Sees
- Audrey Geiger
- Austin Beals
- Austin Gontang
- Austin Mabrouk
- Babel Barm
- Balraj Aujla
- Barbara Woo
- Beau Humphries
- Becca Penninga
- Becky Graul
- Ben Clark
- Ben Motten
- Benjamin Laddon
- Berena Wasserstein
- Bernadette Hill
- Beth Stauffer
- Bhuwan Dhinga
- Bianca Zachary
- Blake Piepho
- Bob Gordon
- Bobby Shrader
- Brandon Nguyen
- Brenda Johnson
- Brendon Lehman
- Brian Gaul
- Brian Gebbie
- Brian Orelli
- Brighid O’Brien
- Brittany Wood
- Brock Bertloff
- Brooke Clifford
- Bruce Thomas
- Bryan Rubio Perez
- Caitlin Munson*
- Caleb Olsen
- Caleb Queern
- Carla Ricci
- Carleigh Poindexter
- Carole Seitz
- Carrie Wildes
- Casey Long
- Catharine Hollander
- Chad Makings
- Chase Blood
- Charles McCoy
- Charlie Alegria
- Chaz Foster*
- Chirag Masekar
- Chris Ansoff
- Chris Childers
- Chris Villegas
- Christine Kachulis
- Christian Quiambao
- Christina Perry
- Christina Lamar
- Christopher Geitz
- Cindy Hirsch
- Claire Kreger-Boaz
- Clara Bard
- Cody Littlefield
- Codey Sackett
- Colleen Kleinberg
- Cordell Giesen
- Corey Elder
- Corey Levitan
- Cory Brin*
- Courtney Steen
- Craig Lester
- Craig Sutton
- Dalia Ramirez
- Danelle Gaffen
- Dan Steinman
- Dangilo Bonilla
- Daniel Cronin
- Daniel Shaw
- Daniel Ramos
- Daren Le
- Darren Cunningham
- Dave Berens
- Dave Goldberg
- Dave Lesinski
- Dave Lindsey
- David Haboud
- David Kelly
- David Slattery*
- Davina Chavez
- Dean Sage
- Dean Wittke
- Dennis Zavolock
- Derek Bega
- Deven Perkins
- Diana Gruber
- Diane Masser-Frye
- Diane Rachel*
- Dilanka Wettewa
- Disa Murphy
- Doug Vaughn
- Douglas Burke
- Drea Elyse*
- Dustan Kessel*
- Edison J. Lomibao Ii
- Edgar Ramirez
- Eduardo Velasquez
- Elaina Hofmann
- Elaine Segura
- Elisa Ellis
- Eliza Dawson
- Elizabeth Schalo
- Ellen Micka
- Elwin Warsh
- Emily Alpert
- Emily Burke
- Emily Burns
- Emily Cimino
- Emily Mason
- Emily Stockdale
- Ender Davis
- Eric Durbin
- Eric Goodwin
- Eric Huber
- Eric Vik
- Erick Escalante
- Erica Bender
- Erica Clermont*
- Erica Oberbauer
- Erika Gonzalez
- Erika Toraya
- Erin Rempala
- Eugene Beronilla
- Evan Wray
- Fernando Baez
- Gabe Abano*
- Gabriel Becerra
- Gabriel Saravia
- Gaby Reisberg
- Geoff Stone*
- Gerry Gurrola Jr
- Garon Williams
- Georgia Ladd
- Goscia Castaneda
- Graham Cameron
- Gregory Massey
- Gray
- Hayden Harrower
- Heather Barton
- Heather Johnston
- Heather Bee
- Helen Ghio
- Henry Kaylin
- Hudson Reynolds*
- Ian De Vlaming
- Ian White
- Ibrahim Elshamy
- Irina Navasartyan
- Iris Magid
- Isaac Gonzalez
- Isaac Wilkins
- Jack Acayan
- Jack Mckeee
- Jacqueline Liu
- Jacqueline Bull
- James Bonkowski*
- James Boyden
- James Polanco
- Jamie Williamson
- Jason Broad
- Jason Dorwart
- Jason Erickson
- Jason Malamut
- Jason Neel*
- Jason Ott
- Jason Re
- J.D. Hartman
- Jeff Birnbaum
- Jeff Gould
- Jeffrey Lieberman
- Jean Diedrich
- Jen Ables*
- Jen Cole*
- Jenn Wessels
- Jenna Van Cleve
- Jennie Olson Six
- Jennifer Garcia-Lopez
- Jennifer Lane
- Jennifer Mason
- Jennifer Park
- Jennifer Wolf
- Jensen Kendal
- Jere Ford
- Jessa Spainhower
- Jesse Suphan*
- Jessica Carboni
- Jessica Crossman
- Jessica Culpepper
- Jessica Farber
- Jessica Grant-Sljivar
- Jessica Hernandez
- Jessica Len
- Jessica Montenegro
- Jill Badonsky
- Jill Cameron
- Jill Fader
- Jill Weisberg
- JillAnne Aden*
- Jillian Susi
- Jim Taylor
- Joe Borriello
- Joe Pena
- Joey Partynski*
- John Barger
- John Beaton
- John Boaz*
- John Dewolf
- John Lekos
- John Monteith
- John Navilliant
- John Sullivan
- John Weisbarth
- Jon Anthony
- Jon Berdnarkawiz
- Jon Fink
- Jon Wright
- Jonathan Flaster
- Jordan Wetherell
- Jose Antonio Soriano
- Josh Garcia
- Josh Shields
- Josh Weiner
- Joshua Bowersox
- Joshua Rosenthal
- Joshua Rowland
- Juan Reyes
- Juan Salas
- Juan Salazar
- Julia Maushart
- Julia Rahm
- Julia Shapiro
- Julia Simone
- Julian Conroy
- Julie Markowitz
- Julius Ravelo*
- Justin Canty
- Justin Hoskins
- Justin Mogerman
- Justin Richmond-Decker
- Kage Solik
- Kamila Gornia
- Kara Camden
- Kara Kohnen
- Kasey Pearl Lee*
- Kathryn Schellinger
- Katharyne Shelton*
- Kathy Devine
- Kathyrn Outlaw
- Katia Paramonova
- Katie Brady
- Katsiaryna Zhuk
- Keith Duell
- Kelly Coaty
- Kelly Copeland
- Kelly Curran
- Kelsey Kresge
- Ken Grimes
- Ken Pirondini
- Kendal Jensen
- Kent Clark
- Kevin Espiritu
- Kevin Huang
- Kevin Langdon*
- Kevin Perez-Evans
- Kevin Schmidt*
- Kevin Vildosola
- Kirk Faulkner
- Kory McKiou
- Kris Kalaf
- Krishna Yellayi
- Kirsten Scalese
- Kristen Schmidt
- Kristine Kilanski
- Kumar Kilambi
- Kyle Harman
- Kyle Gronich
- KZ Amitai-Crawford
- Laura Izbicki*
- Lauren Bosse
- Lauren Flynn
- Lauren Powers
- Lauren Thomas
- Lee Carpenter
- Leila Elshamy
- Lera Alexi
- Leslie Jordan
- Leslie Murray
- Leslie Rivera
- Lety Bombardier
- Lewis Churchfield
- Liana Giglio
- Linda Castellon
- Lisa D’alessio
- Lisa Farnan
- Lisa Nelson
- Lisa Shahabzadah
- Lisa Tomanelli
- Lisa Williams
- Lori Fogle
- Lori Hooker
- Lorna McMurray
- Lynne Goodman
- Luis Meraz
- Mackenzie Mack
- Madi Douglass
- Mako Hyatt Jr
- Mandy Griffith
- Mandy Sullivan
- Marc Guieb
- Marcus Olszowy
- Margaret Dilloway*
- Marguerite Whitten
- Maria Ramirez
- Maria Palumbo
- Marin Morales
- Mario Ross
- Marissa Papet
- Marisssa Walter
- Mark Acayan
- Mark Rachel*
- Mark Scacchetti
- Martha Barnette
- Martha Davis
- Marti Kimball
- Marty Burtwell
- Mary Rhoads
- Mashel Shamel
- Matt Fellows
- Matt Myron
- Matt Szczublewski
- Matthew Novinsky
- Matthey Saadeh
- Matthew Stratton
- Megan Arnold
- Megan O’Keefe
- Melanie Montieth
- Melinh Nguyen
- Melissa Glasgow
- Melissa Morales
- Melissa Slawson
- Meshell Zwicker
- Mica Miragliotta
- Micayla George
- Michael Armstrong
- Michael Caraway
- Michael Davis
- Michael Ellison*
- Michael Romero*
- Michael Ruhl
- Michael Weinberg
- Michael Zakariaie
- Michelle Ables*
- Michelle Lassigne
- Mickey Zeichick
- Miedy Bishop
- Mike Nieto
- Miles Rosemire
- Missy Gurga
- Monika Pyarali
- Nam Nguyen
- Nancy Langdon*
- Natalie Guerra
- Nathan Moore
- Neil Patel
- Nhieu Duong
- Nicholas Popovich
- Nicholas Pryor
- Nichole Perri
- Nicole Elias
- Niina Lobbestael
- Nick Steffl
- Niki Kalmus*
- Nikita Lindsay
- Nikki Stevens
- Nina Ghatan
- Nixon Morada
- Ophira Shalev
- Oriana Jones
- Paco Calderon
- Page Carman*
- Patrick Woosam
- Paul Lewallen
- Paul Wisecaver
- Pavel Chubukov
- Pete Olsen
- Phil Decker
- Phil Touche
- Philippe Lazaro
- Pranav Mutatkar
- Preston Bennett
- Rachel Darvas
- Rachel Groner
- Rachel Scallan
- Randy Salgado
- Rafee Jajou
- Ravi Dandu
- Raymond Tung
- Rebecca Mcginley
- Rebecca Peele
- Rhonda Cobb
- Richa Bhargava
- Richard Medugno
- Richard Nguyen
- RJ Santos
- Robert Bikwemu
- Robert Garza
- Robbie Mollin*
- Robert Smoller
- Robin Lipton
- Ron Donoho
- Ron Rice
- Ryan Altman
- Saad Asad
- Sacha Natasha Nebel
- Salma Soliman
- Sam Keckler
- Sam King
- Sandra Turner
- Sara Leibelshon
- Sara Solomon
- Sarah Cooper
- Sarah Flocken
- Sarah Hershberger-Valencia
- Sarah Holland
- Sarah Trebat-Leder
- Sarah Pugh
- Sarah Swanson
- Scott Asti
- Scott Hoffman
- Scott Trepper
- Seamus Scanlan*
- Sean Andrews
- Sean Glass
- Sean O’Connell
- Sebastian Gonzalez
- Sebastian Sarria
- Shanna Dayan
- Shanti Ducoeur
- Sheila Kendor
- Shel Rothman
- Shelbi Meek
- Shilpa Pryor*
- Shira Yomtoubian*
- Sierra Terrebonne
- Silvia Diffenderfer
- Skyler Katz
- Skyler Lee*
- Sofia Daher*
- Sola Wasef
- Soma Bhadra
- Stacey Willard
- Stelios Florinas
- Stephanie Cunningham
- Stephanie Ostresh
- Stephen Bowers*
- Stephan Hinrichs
- Stevie Roder
- Steven Hanson
- Steven Palumbo
- Steven Walsh
- Stuart Shank
- Subrai Pai
- Susan Bernstein
- Susan Wiczynski
- Suzannah Weiss
- Suzanne Ofeldt*
- Suzie Ziser
- Sydney Chasin
- Sydney Morrill
- Tai Tran
- Tamara Wendt
- Tara D’Mello
- Tasia Indermill
- Taylor Elliot
- Taylor Spencer*
- Tara Johansen*
- Tara Tanna
- Taryn Tyler
- Teresa Snell
- Terrence Moran
- Terry Champieux
- Tess Karesky
- Tessa Mcdonnell
- Theodore Bess
- Thomas Konrad
- Thomas Mulica
- Tim Blodgett
- Tim Garcia
- Tina Miller
- Tina O Hoang
- Tina Rose
- Todd Sargeant
- Tommie Wiczynski
- Tommy Mooney
- Tony Dostert
- Travis Wilson
- Trish Hale
- Tristan Cole*
- Ty Haeber
- Tyler Hembrock
- Valerie Maas
- Vera Didur
- Victor Maisano
- Victoria Koenitzer*
- Victoria Ravelo
- Victoria Rodriguez
- Vince Kotchian
- Vish Shah
- Ward Han*
- Wells Oliver
- Whitney Reade
- Whitney Seymour
- Will Zegers
- Yalda Alawi
- Zachary Farrow
- Zachary Hofmann
- Zach Kreinbrink
- Zachary Moser
- Zack Kronberg
- Zaid Rafin
- Zak Kofiro
- Zev Rubenstein
See posts from our community on Instagram where we frequently pass the controls to community members to publish Instagram stories about their improv journey, shows, and other fun stuff.
Community Outreach and Charitable Giving
FCI is committed to helping people find more joy in their lives both on stage and off. Over the years we have helped raise money for our friends at Innermission Productions, San Diego Pride, Casa De Amparo, and many other organizations that help thousands of San Diegans improv their lives. Our students and performers rally around each other in times of need or to help support the causes they support.