Erica Clermont

#happiness, eh?!

  • What are your other hobbies? Spending time with my dog Penny and my cats, colouring, drinking beer, cooking and eating, being crafty.

  • If you weren’t doing improv, where would you be? I would have another creative outlet I’m sure. I love to perform so I feel I would find a way to do it. I probably would be an artist or sculptor as well. I love making weird art.

  • What is your favorite improv scene you’ve been in? My favorite scene would be where Gary Ware was my husband and he gave me a pineapple as a present and it changed my world and our marriage was saved.

  • Who is your comedy idol? My comedy icons are Bill Murray, Steve Martin, SCTV and Kids in the Hall. I grew up in Canada and we had real good sketch comedy. Probably so much improv happening there!

  • 10 words or less of what improv means to you? It’s a place to celebrate the wonderful humans we are.

  • Where will you be in 10 years?Hopefully teaching and doing improv all over the world and making people laugh with Penny at my side. My gift to the world is to spread joy so I just want to keep on doing that.

  • Anything else we should know? Sometimes I just stay home and eat ice cream and watch lots of crime drama. I love it.


Erica is a master Level 1 teacher, bringing her love of improv and it’s positive vibes to every single student. She periodically teaches our Harold class and many drop-ins.

Erica has been studying theatre since the young age of 4 and has a degree from the University of British Columbia. She is an original FCI ensemble member (since 2012). She is an avid student and regularly travels to take classes from many wonderful teachers from all over North America. Erica has attended 6 Camp Improv Utopia camps, HUGE theatre, in MN, summer intensive and many of the master classes at FCI. Some of her favorite teachers include Jill Bernard, Craig Cackowski, Jaime Moyer, Jason Pardo, Karen Graci, Susan Messing, Rachel Mason, Jason Schotts, Jay Suckow, Bob Dassie and Drew Droege. Erica loves what improv has done for her life and the joy that it brings her to watch people discover that for them self fuels her fire.

‘I’m just here to love and support you.’ – Erica


Erica performs with FCI’s Willis and the Pro League. She can also be seen in our featured shows like A Single Lady and Not Another F*#kin’ Holiday Show.