Where the antlers begin to grow. Come support our newest students as they take the stage with their instructors every Friday at 7pm! Comprised of our Level 1 and Level 2 classes, this is the first time our students have ever performed on a stage for an audience. With incredible support from their teachers, you can support them with your laughter.

“Greenhorn was so much fun! The FCI instructor who did the scene with me was very supportive and made me feel so comfortable. Overall just a very rewarding experience. “– Michelle Ables
“Terrifying initially. So much fun on stage. Super gratifying overall!” – Kristen Fogle
“While you’re waiting: “I can’t do this! How did they just do that? What am I going to do?”
While you’re on stage: “I’m doing this! This is so fun!”
When you’re done: “When do I get to do this again?”” – Jeannie Ugalde